Strips is a layout mode for RokSprocket that displays and rotates through horizontal content and image blocks, perfect for highlighting content.
A feature of Corvus is the expanded module. Any module that has the expanded module class suffix applied to it, will expand and contract based on window scroll. The feature is best applied in the showcase position, with a full width module, as demoed currently. The overlap effect below, is via CSS and can be customized through the custom stylesheet process, depending on your content needs.
Strips is a layout mode for RokSprocket that displays and rotates through horizontal content and image blocks, perfect for highlighting content.
A single template that aAdapts to different viewing devices, such as mobile.
+LESS CSS is a dynamic coding language for CSS that adds variables and more.
+JoomlaWork's K2, a powerful content extension, has integrated styling, has integrated styling.
+All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to show a live site. Use the RocketLauncher for demo replication. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners.
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