Choose from eight presets, with configurable accent, overlay and background colors or styles.
Gantry provides the environment for the theme features, such as the intuitive user interface.
Dropdown is CSS based, featuring icons, subtext and configurable columns.
Chart.js and HTML5 canvas to display beautiful graphs and exquisite typography. This only works on modern browsers and IE9+.
The template also supports a simple coming soon or offline style page with a time counter. It has been specifically styled to match Acacia.
The frontpage is just one example of how Acacia can be configured. See many different simple and complex examples on the link below.
Gantry 4 rests at the core of the Acacia template and provides a range of features, such as dynamic module grids, expandable features and an intuitive administrative interface.
RokSprocket is a multi-content display plugin that is bundled with a selection of default layouts, with the ability to expand. It also sports an advanced, custom user interface.
Features is a showcase style layout, perfect for content, image or content and image display in slideshow format.
Tabs is a tabbed content based layout, that offers multiple locations for the tabs: top, bottom, left and right.
RokSprocket has a custom user interface to allow for greater, easier and more flexible control over the modules, such as ajax loading of items and extensive per-item configuration.
Mosaic loads several images and content blocks within a grid structure, with dynamic loading and sorting.
RokSprocket has a custom override feature, that allows a template to override all scripts, stylesheets, images and PHP coding for each layout, for complete template control.
Currently, RokSprocket also supports several other layouts, these are Headlines, Lists and Strips. Headlines is a ticker-style layout, that loads content titles or snippets in rotatable lines. Lists displays content in a vertical list format, in either a static or dynamic/accordion manner. Strips is a rotatable content block extension, similar to Mosaic.