Typography is a fundamental part of a template to characterize your site content, such as a plethora of list formats and notice styles.
Rich Design
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This is an example of a module being displayed inside the menu dropdowns.
Fresco, the June 2012 Joomla Template Club release, is a visually rich template, bringing life to your content through stunning and intricate graphics, each customised for specific themes.
Ten style variations are available, each with a unique graphical theme such as Sport.
Choose between the javascript-enhanced CSS dropdown Fusion Menu or SplitMenu.
A selection of integrated styles for several RocketTheme Extensions, e.g. RokGallery.
Post questions in the relevant section for the forum moderators to review your thread.
Email support is strictly dedicated to account and pre-sales questions.
Provides a one-on-one incident management system with a 2 hour response time.
Typography is a fundamental part of a template to characterize your site content, such as a plethora of list formats and notice styles.
Use a wide portfolio of RocketTheme extensions that can be used, such as utility extensions RokBooster and RokCandy.
There are 3 background levels: low, med & high; so you can flip between a rich or subtle style.
See MoreTen stunning preset styles and a selection of elegant, stylistic module variations.
A Mootools-enhanced CSS dropdown menu system, with multi-column support.
NOTE: All demo content is for sample purposes only, intended to represent a live site. All images are from ShutterStock for use on this demo site only.